Security and Privacy of Student and Teacher Data
We treat the security and privacy of all student and teacher data as a priority.
We always utilise the latest proven technologies for internet security. Using the industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL), we ensure your data is safe and secure when you exchange personal data or private information with us. All data transmitted between teachers and students and Maths Pathway, and within the Maths Pathway environment, is transmitted over secure, encrypted connections.
Maths Pathway systems are hosted on secure server environments in Microsoft-operated data centres in Melbourne and Sydney. These environments are protected by a complex system of firewalls, load balancers and filters. To prevent interference and internet attacks, Maths Pathway servers restricts requests on limited ports. Access to these environments is restricted to select Maths Pathway personnel, and all access activity is logged.
Maths Pathway provides each teacher and student account a unique user name and password that must be entered to access Maths Pathway services. Passwords are encrypted before they are stored in our databases. Maths Pathway issues a session 'cookie' to record session information for an authenticated user. Maths Pathway does not use the session 'cookie' for any other purposes.
You can read more in our additional Privacy Policy.
Redundancy and Backup
All student and teacher data that form part of the Maths Pathway system is subject to the same standard redundancy and backup procedures. Data is hosted on secure environments in Microsoft run data centres in Sydney and Melbourne. Within those data centres, data is stored on at least three ‘nodes’ simultaneously, meaning that if any two of those nodes fail, the data is still available and will replicate to new nodes within minutes. Offsite backups are produced on a nightly basis, and additional backups are performed each week.
Even in the worst case of a complete hardware failure on the part of our data providers, access can be restored within hours, and little or no data would be lost. These components are actively monitored by a professional monitoring service (both automated and human), and various early warning systems allow for faulty hardware, etc. to be fixed or replaced before it becomes a problem.