There are 3 key metrics that indicate the progress a student is making with their independent learning modules. Growth, Effort and Accuracy. Each play their own role, which are explained below:
Effort refers to how many modules your child has completed out of the amount of modules they were assigned to complete by the teacher, and is displayed as a percentage.
Liam was assigned 6 modules by his teacher, and completed 5 of those. So 5 modules were on his test.
His Effort score is 5 out of 6, or 83%.
If a student gets through all the assigned work ahead of time, the teacher is able to add extra modules as a once off. In these cases, the Effort score can even exceed 100%, as the student completed more work than originally assigned.
Accuracy refers to how many modules your child displayed mastery in, counted against how many modules they completed leading up to the test (not how many they were assigned).
Liam had 5 modules on his test. He mastered 4 of those modules.
His Accuracy score is 4 out of 5, or 80%'
In this example, Liam may have answered over 80% of the questions on his test correctly, but only received 80% Accuracy, as module mastery is only achieved when every test question relating to that module is answered correctly, and the Accuracy score is based solely on module mastery.
Growth rate is the main metric to focus on, as it reflects the new maths that your child has mastered over time. If your child achieves 100% Growth for the entire year, they will have mastered one year's worth of content, so to see this metric as an ongoing one, you can get a big picture result of how your child is tracking.
To achieve 100% Growth, your child must master 3 modules within a test. 4 modules mastered would provide 133% Growth, 5 modules mastered would provide 166% Growth etc.
Liam mastered 4 modules on his test, so his Growth rate for this test is 133%.
If he keeps this up, he'll learn 1.33 curriculum years of maths in this year.