Your effort shows you how many modules you completed compared to how many your teacher assigned to you. For example, if your teacher sets you 6 modules to do and you complete all 6 of them, then your effort score will be 100%.
If you finish all your work for a test you can request more modules from your teacher which will give you an effort score of over 100%. For example, if you're assigned 6 modules and complete them all and then request and complete another 3 modules, you effort score will be 150%.
It's important to not only work on your effort score. Your accuracy is important too. It’s possible to have a very high effort score, but then do poorly on your tests in terms of their accuracy. You need both effort and accuracy to have a strong growth rate.
Click here for more information on what your accuracy score is.
How is effort calculated?
Effort = (number of modules completed + extra modules completed) ÷ (number of modules assigned) × 100%