When you log into your Maths Pathway account, you'll be taken to your home page, the 'Timeline'. This page shows you the work you've been doing, and what work you can still do.
Whenever you log in, or click the 'Home' button, you'll be shown your 'Current' cycle. This is the Learning Cycle that you're currently in. Any work you do in your 'Current' cycle will go on your next test.
The timeline page has three important sections: the timeline, the header, and the navigation bar.
The timeline is at the bottom of the page, and shows all the activities you do, in the order that you do them. This is also where you can look to see what to do next.
Whenever you complete a module, diagnostic, a mini-lesson, or test, a small circle will be placed on your timeline, to record that activity. For your module work, sometimes you'll see a 'tag' applied at the top (e.g. 'Too fast'), you can click on these tags to see what they mean.
There will almost always be one larger circle on your timeline (it says 'Continue activity' in the example image above). These large circles are there to show you what you can move on to next. Whether you can start a module or test, continue you reflection, or complete your diagnostic, there should always be one of these larger circles to show you what to do next.
The header is in the middle at the top of the page, and is where you can look at how much work you need to do, and look at results from older cycles.
You can click the buttons on the side of the timeline header (for example, 'Cycle 9' in the image above) to go back and look at your previous work cycles. When you go back and look at older cycles, you will be able to see which modules you attempted, as well as which ones you mastered. If you click on the module circles, you'll be able to take a look at the module worksheet and video for that module.
Navigation bar
The navigation bar is where you can go to other parts of your account, and how you can change your account settings (see this article for more information on what settings you can change).
If you click on your name or avatar, you'll be taken to your settings page.
Clicking on the 'diagnostic' button will put a new diagnostic circle on your timeline for you to complete, but you'll need the code from your teacher to be able to start it. Clicking the small 'x' button will get rid of this circle.