Diagnostics are tests students undergo in order for the system to determine the modules they should be working on based on what they have shown competency in from each topic in the curriculum. This also calculates their base mastery point without them completing any modules.
Cycle tests
Cycle tests are (ideally) fortnightly tests completed by students based on the modules they’ve completed within the past cycle, with tailored questions relating specifically to those modules. A cycle usually lasts a fortnight, but is realistically the time period between each test.
Modules are dynamic worksheets (with accompanying videos and worked solutions) that students complete. Each student will have access to a different set of modules, but all modules put together match the Australian and Victorian Curriculum as well as the NSW Syllabus for maths from year 5 (Stage 3) all the way up to year 10 advanced (Stage 5), including leading requirements for years 1-4 (Stages 1 and 2). 6 modules are usually completed each cycle and are then tested on in a cycle test.
Mini-lessons are concept-based lessons taught in small groups of students (usually around 5) to help students understand topics that are relevant to them. This is more like one-on-one teaching, but in a small group where every student is at a similar level of ability.
Rich Learning
Rich Learning is an engaging experience for the whole class, where mathematical concepts are explored using open-ended activities with multiple entry and exit points. This type of learning focuses on developing critical thinking and reasoning skills and encourages students to think like mathematicians with no assessment involved. Maths Pathway teachers have access to extensive, curriculum aligned Rich Learning resources, as well as professional learning opportunities to develop practice.
Growth rate
The Growth rate measures how much maths a student is learning. A growth rate of 100% is equivalent to one year's worth of maths and can be achieved by mastering 3 modules in every learning cycle. Mastering 6 modules each cycle gives a growth rate of 200%, equal to two years of maths. E.g. 100% growth rate for 3 modules mastered. 200% growth rate for 6 modules mastered.
Effort rate
The Effort rate is based on how many modules you, as the teacher, have assigned for each student to complete over the cycle. E.g 50% effort rate for completion of 3 modules when 6 were assigned. 150% effort rate for completion of 6 modules and 3 bonus modules when 6 modules were assigned.
Accuracy rate
The Accuracy rate refers to how many modules were mastered out of the amount of modules completed by the student. In order for a module to be mastered, all its test questions must be answered correctly. For example, you could complete two modules and master both of them for an accuracy score of 100%, or you could master one of the two for a score of 50%.
Targeted Intervention
Targeted Intervention sessions are one-on-one sessions with students struggling to master modules. These sessions are to help students work out where they are going wrong and help them get unstuck, so they can move forward.
Test reflections
Test reflections are a chance for students to have another go at any online questions they got wrong during a cycle test. Their test scores (Growth, Effort and Accuracy rates) will also be revealed at the end of the reflection.
The Curriculum Grid
The Curriculum Grid is a visual representation of the curriculum as covered by all modules and how much of that curriculum a student has mastered. Clicking into any box in the curriculum grid will list all the modules that belong to that level of the substrand, as well as their prerequisites.
Mastery Points
Mastery Points are a numeric representation of where students are up to with their maths learning from level 1-10A. In their most basic form, these Mastery Points indicate the proportion of maths students have mastered, but it's much more complex than that. For the full context, Mastery Points should always be viewed alongside the Curriculum Grid so that sense can be made of the values, as it's rarely as simple as a bottom to top view of how far through the Curriculum students are.